In case you couldn't tell, I absolutely love books and love reading! So online cataloging is great. I've already added 70ish books to my library (and that's only the ones I can remember right now). My username on LibraryThing is kegriffin . (Creative, I know. Don't be envious...jk) I can see how beneficial it will be to have a catalog of books I have read, want to read, own, etc. all in one place that I can access from just about anywhere. I am excited to see just how many books I can come up with that I have read and am in possession of. I'm guessing it's going to be a pretty large number. Barnes & Noble is my favorite store after all. :) One thing I like about LibraryThing is the ability to categorize books as I see fit. I can have the novels I've read for fun, career guides, childhood favorites, and areas of interest. This is nice feature. I also think this will be a fun way to interact with fellow book enthusiasts (like my family, friends, e...