Watching the videos made Creative Commons seem really great. When exploring the website, I came to find that it wasn't quite as easy to navigate as I imagined it would. That being said, I still think it could have some good uses for students in various arenas so long as they take time to verify that the item they have selected actually falls within the realm of "creative commons." I could imagine some students not putting in the effort to verify such sources. I think as with any type of source students use for the academic endeavors, we need to teach students the correct way to make use of external information and media and how to properly site work. Even when students have been taught how to use MLA, APA, or Chicago guidelines for citations, there are still students who will plagiarize someone's work. As it is now, I think most students probably do not fully understand copyright law. As with most things, there seem to be some positives and negatives to Creative Commons. Personally, I love the idea of collaborating on a project with someone across the globe in a common drive for self-expression. Now I just need to figure out how to go about that...
So I had a bit of a minor revelation today about my love/possible obsession with school today while setting up my new (functional) printer and testing it out. Here is some background info on the revelation: In case you didn't hear, I decided to pursue my Masters of Divinity degree at McCormick Theological Seminary beginning this month. As of now, I am about 2 weeks into classes as a seminary student. Additionally, as some of you know, I have often said that I think the ideal job for me would be to be able to get paid to take classes at colleges and universities around the world. At the end of each term, I would critique the overall class experience and provide extensive feedback for the instructors on ways to improve their courses and better reach their students. Awesome--I know!!! Listed below are the top ways I realized you should know you take school seriously. See what you think! Your desk is about 3 times larger than your kitchen table. (See picture for proof) You are willi...
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