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Death of the Reusable Grocery Bags

So I am all for the use of reusable grocery bags. I think there is no need to waste resources and to make so many plastic bags. They will probably just end up in a landfill anyways. I can't say that I am always the best at remembering to take them to the store, but I have been getting better at it.

I went grocery shopping the other day and took 3 of my reusable grocery bags with me. I didn't have a ton of groceries, and they would have easily fit within in three bags. They lady who was checking me out asked, "how heavy do you want them?" I said, "Just spread the groceries between the 3 bags. I don't want them to be heavy." I guess she wasn't listening or thought she knew better. She ended up cramming all my purchases into only 2 of the bags. As a result, they were overly heavy and awkward to carry. In the end, one of them ended up ripping.

This isn't the first time this has happened. It hasn't been at the same store either. Why is that the cashiers feel a need to cram all of my things into fewer bags than is reasonable? They wouldn't bag groceries that way in a plastic sack. Why do they do it with reuable ones? If it's because of the 5 cents they need to rethink this plan. It's a joke to say that they are encouraging shoppers to use these bags to save the environment. They are just being greedy and causing their customers problems. It's just plain frustrating!

I still plan to use the bags (well the ones I have left).


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